How to give incentives in the cart to boost Average Order Value(AOV)

Everyone loves incentives. Everyone gives incentives in their store. What if you can use these incentives to grow your AOV?

Well, eCommerce Stores give free shipping. What if you changed free shipping only be unlocked if customers spend $40.

If they have $36 in the cart & need $4 more to get free shipping.

That’s the power of cart threshold incentives.

Plan A: Adding tiers to your incentives

$40 is great but how do you get customers to spend $80, $120, or even $200?

It’s simple really. You need to give people a reason to spend $80, $120, or $200.

Plan B: Strict percentage discounts

We can offer 3, 5, and 10% off for hitting our thresholds. Now our tiers look like this:

spend $40 to get free shipping

spend $80 to get 3% off

Spend $120 to get 5% off

Spend $200 to get 10% off

Plan C: Free express shipping

If we swap out one of our discounts for express shipping, our incentives look like this:

spend $40 to get free shipping

spend $80 to get 3% off

Spend $120 to get free express shipping

Spend $200 to get 10% off

Plan D: Free mystery gifts
It doesn’t need to be complicated. You can do:

spend $40 to get free shipping

spend $80 to get a free mystery gift

Spend $120 to get free express shipping

Spend $200 to get 10% off

This post was published before on Medium.

Well if you need this solution in your WooCommerce store, please get in touch with us.


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  1. How to Apply Coupons Programmatically – We Build & Deploy Powerful Application

    […] is a blog, where I have explained how you can use discounts to boost sales. Thank you for reading this […]

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