The Observer Pattern in PHP: A Real-World Example


In object-oriented design, the Observer Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows a subject (or “publisher”) to notify its dependent observers (or “subscribers”) about changes in its state. This pattern is particularly useful when you have a one-to-many dependency relationship between objects, meaning when one object changes its state, all its dependents (observers) are notified and updated automatically.

Real-World Analogy

Think of a newsletter subscription system:

  • The Subject: The newsletter publisher.
  • The Observers: The subscribers (people who signed up to receive the newsletter).

When the newsletter publisher sends out a new issue, all the subscribers (observers) are notified. In this analogy, the publisher doesn’t need to know who the subscribers are or how many there are; it simply notifies them when there is something new.

Why Use the Observer Pattern?

The Observer Pattern is especially helpful when:

  • You want to establish a one-to-many relationship between objects.
  • You want to decouple the subject and its observers, promoting flexibility and scalability in your codebase.
  • You need automatic updates for observers when the subject’s state changes.

Structure of the Observer Pattern

The pattern is made up of the following components:

  1. Subject (Publisher): The object whose state is being observed. It keeps track of the observers and notifies them of any state changes.
  2. Observer (Subscriber): Objects that want to be updated when the subject changes.
  3. ConcreteSubject: A specific implementation of the subject that holds the state and notifies observers.
  4. ConcreteObserver: A specific observer that updates itself in response to changes in the subject.

Observer Pattern in PHP: Code Example

Let’s walk through an example where we implement the Observer Pattern in PHP using a News Publisher scenario.

Step 1: Create the Subject Interface

The subject interface will define methods for attaching, detaching, and notifying observers.

Step 2: Create the Observer Interface

The observer interface will define an update method that will be called when the subject changes state.

Step 3: Concrete Subject (News Publisher)

This will be our ConcreteSubject that implements the Subject interface. It holds the state (the newsletter issue) and notifies observers when there’s a new issue.

Step 4: Concrete Observers (Subscribers)

Here, we’ll create a couple of concrete observers that will be notified whenever a new issue of the newsletter is released.

Step 5: Using the Observer Pattern

Now that we have all the components, let’s see how they work together.

Explanation of the Code

  1. NewsPublisher (ConcreteSubject): This class keeps track of all attached observers. When a new newsletter issue is set, it notifies all observers.
  2. Subscriber (ConcreteObserver): Each subscriber is an observer that gets notified when a new newsletter issue is published.
  3. Attaching and Detaching Observers: You can add and remove subscribers dynamically, and they’ll be notified when the newsletter changes.

Benefits of the Observer Pattern

  • Loose Coupling: The subject (news publisher) doesn’t need to know about the specific observers. It only needs to notify them when something changes.
  • Scalability: You can add or remove subscribers without modifying the publisher.
  • Reusability: The observer logic is encapsulated in separate objects, so they can be reused in different contexts.


The Observer Pattern is a powerful tool in PHP that helps you create scalable, maintainable, and decoupled applications. It’s especially useful in scenarios where you need to notify multiple parts of your system about changes, such as in event-driven systems, user interfaces, or even complex data management systems. By using this pattern, you can enhance flexibility and ensure that your components can evolve independently without breaking the system.

Additional Notes

  • The Observer Pattern is often used in real-world applications like GUI frameworks, event handling systems, and even MVC frameworks.
  • In PHP, the Observer Pattern can be implemented efficiently with simple interfaces and class structures, as shown in the example.

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