Building a WordPress Plugin with Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs): A Practical Example

When developing a WordPress plugin, understanding how data flows through your system is crucial. This is where Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) come into play. DFDs are a visual tool used in software engineering to represent the movement of data within a system. They help developers understand the internal workings of a plugin and ensure smooth data handling from input to output.

In this blog post, we will walk through the process of building a simple Contact Form Plugin for WordPress using DFDs. We’ll break down how a contact form submission moves through the plugin, from when the user submits the form to when the data is stored and the admin is notified via email.

Why Use DFDs in WordPress Plugin Development?

Before diving into the specific example, let’s discuss why you should consider using DFDs in your plugin development process:

  1. Clarity of Design: DFDs provide a clear, visual representation of how data moves through your plugin. This is especially helpful for larger or more complex plugins.
  2. Simplify Communication: DFDs can serve as a powerful communication tool between developers, project managers, and clients, helping everyone understand the system.
  3. Identify Potential Issues: By mapping the flow of data, DFDs help identify potential bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities, or areas of inefficiency in the plugin’s design.

Step-by-Step Example: Contact Form Plugin

Let’s take a simple contact form plugin as an example. Our plugin will allow website users to submit a contact form, which will then be validated, stored in the database, and trigger an email notification to the site admin.

1. Level 0 (Context Diagram): High-Level Overview

At Level 0, the DFD provides a high-level view of the entire plugin. Here, we show how the external entities (like users and admins) interact with the system as a whole. We don’t go into detail about how data moves internally within the plugin; instead, we focus on the main interactions.

Context Diagram:

  • User (the website visitor) submits data via the contact form.
  • The WordPress Contact Form Plugin is the central process that receives data, validates it, stores it, and sends an email notification.
  • Admin receives the form submission via email.

2. Level 1 DFD: Breaking Down the Plugin Processes

At Level 1, we start to break down the high-level process into more detailed components. We show the major internal processes of the plugin, how data flows between them, and how it interacts with external entities and data stores.

Level 1 DFD:


  1. Submit Form: The user fills out and submits the form. The form data includes fields like name, email, and message.
  2. Validate Input: The plugin first validates the input (e.g., checking if the email format is correct and ensuring no required fields are left blank).
  • If the input is valid, the data moves to the next step.
  • If invalid, the user is prompted to correct the form.
  1. Store Submission: After validation, the form data is saved to the WordPress database for future reference. It can either be stored in a custom table or within the wp_posts table, depending on the plugin’s design.
  2. Send Email: Once the data is stored, an email notification is sent to the admin with the form details.
  3. Admin: The admin receives the email and can take action on the submission.

3. Level 2 DFD: Detailed Breakdown of Input Validation

At Level 2, we can further break down specific processes, like Validate Input, to show the finer details of how data is handled within the system.

Level 2 DFD (Input Validation Breakdown):


  • Check Required Fields: Ensure that all required fields (name, email, message) are filled out.
  • Check Email Format: Validate that the email address provided is in the correct format.
  • Sanitize Input: Clean the input data to prevent any malicious code (like SQL injections or XSS attacks) from being processed.
  • If all these checks pass, the data flows to Store Submission and continues the process.
  • If any validation fails, the user is informed and prompted to correct their submission.

Conclusion: The Power of DFDs in Plugin Development

By using Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs), you can gain a clear and structured understanding of how data moves through your WordPress plugin. This is especially valuable when working on more complex plugins or systems.

In this blog, we’ve walked through how to use DFDs to design a WordPress Contact Form Plugin, starting from the Level 0 Context Diagram to the more detailed Level 1 and Level 2 diagrams. DFDs helped us visualize the flow of data, from user input to email notification and database storage.

Whether you’re building a simple plugin or a more intricate system, DFDs will guide your development process, making it easier to design, document, and communicate your plugin’s functionality.

Next Steps:

  • If you’re developing a WordPress plugin, start by drawing a Level 0 DFD to get a broad understanding of the system’s architecture.
  • Break down each major process into Level 1 and Level 2 DFDs as you refine the design.
  • Use DFDs to identify potential data bottlenecks or inefficiencies, and make sure to update them as your plugin evolves.

Need help building your own plugin? Let me know in the comments or reach out directly for advice and best practices!


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